August 23, 2022 marks 6 years that I’ve been optimizing my spend to collect credit card points for unforgettable experiences. In the past 6 months alone, my partner and I collected over 600,000 points that we’ll be redeeming for over $48,000 worth of travel over the next 6 months. This includes:
3 continents
30 hotel nights
2 roundtrip business class flights
Unforgettable experiences that will last a lifetime!
I used to think that the only way I could achieve hotel or airline status and take upper class flights was through business travel, but ever since the pandemic put an end to work meetings, I’ve been looking for alternate ways to ensure that vacations remain epic.
Welcome to ALL WAYS AWAY, a mini-course to maximizing your points.
Over the next three lessons I’ll reframe your thinking around points and open your eyes to all the value you’re leaving on the table when you redeem points the easy way. This isn’t easy. If it was easy, everyone would do it already. That said, it’s far from rocket science. It’s simply a matter of being organized, knowing where to look, and having a little patience.
Start the free mini-course here.